EMI Board

EMI Board met on 21st March in Brussels. The agenda of the meeting included
debates on two very interesting and actual topics: “A roadmap to a Political
Union”, which will be further developed by the Political Committee on
Institutional Innovations; and “The European Council agreement on the MFF
2014-2020: what now?”, which was introduced by Conny Reuter, the Secretary
General of EMI’s Member Organisation SOLIDAR. The outcomes of the discussion
are reflected in the statement published earlier today (see attached), and the
topic will be further discussed within the Political Committee on Economy and
Finances and at the Federal Assembly meeting that will take place on 24-25 May
in Dublin, Ireland. In view of this meeting, the Board also took note of the
2012 Accounts, and adopted the proposals of Budget and Work Plan for 2014. All
these documents will be submitted for adoption to the Federal Assembly and sent
to all Members soon, together with the Notice and the Agenda for the meeting.
Last but definitely not the least, the EMI Board adopted the membership
application of the Erasmus Student Network, which thus joins the EMI network as
its 76th Member.

Pinto, Secretary General

Movement International


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