Energetická bezpečnost střední a východní Evropy

I have the
pleasure to invite you to an energyseminar “Energy Security in Central
and Eastern Europe – How Recent Developments May Affect Regional Cooperation?”
to be held on30 October 2014 at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland
in Prague.

The principal goal
of the seminar is to deliver policy and business recommendations, stemming from
recent developments in energy markets and progress made in V4 energy
cooperation. Another objective will be to debate on challenges energy
cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe is now facing, with particular
emphasis on growing geopolitical instability, and security of supplies in
winter months. Confirmed panelists:Jan Michal, Head of the
Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic;Pavol Hamžík, Ambassador-at-Large for Energy
Security, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic;Jan
, Director, Department of Gas and Liquid Fuels, Ministry of
Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic;Márton Bálint Sipos, Director,
Department for Strategy and Energy Policy, Ministry of National Development of
Hungary;Adam Janczak, Deputy Director, Department of Economy of the EU,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland;Jiří Michalik,
Member of the Board of Directors, Association of the Energy Managers (A.e.M.);Andreas
, CEO and Managing Director, NET4GAS, s.r.o.; Andrzej Kozłowski,
Member of the Board of Directors, Unipetrol, a.s.

RSVP: Wojciech
Bełch (wojciech.belch@msz.gov.pl, +420 257 099 515), by 27 October 2014. Early confirmation is recommended
due to limited number of seats.

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