The European Council in brief

The European Council started 26.6. with a full and difficult agenda.

Much time was spent on Greece, not only in the Eurogroup meeting but also at the European Council, but no agreement was reached. On Saturday the Eurogroup will meet again (the fifth time in 10 days) with the aim to reach a deal.

A very emotional discussion took place on migration and mandatory relocation quota, with disagreement between Juncker and Tusk on the proposed plans and an unhappy Renzi. In the end, a target of relocation of 40.000 and resettlement of 20.000 seems to have been agreed upon, but it is not completely clear whether it is voluntary or mandatory.

The discussion on the UK reform plans appears to have been limited to a 10 minute presentation of Cameron, but no discussion on his plans.

Today, leaders will discuss the Digital Single Market plans, security challenges (with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg), the fight against terrorism, and the Five Presidents Report on the EMU.

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